President Trump and Brexit

9 November 2016 L. Alan Winters, Professor of Economics and Director of UKTPO. Donald Trump viewed Brexit as a great victory. He also said that the UK would not be at the back of the line for trade deals – perhaps because there would be no line! But where does Trump’s victory leave the overall strategy of Brexit? It makes keeping good access to the EU market – some form of soft Brexit – even more important than it was previously. […]

By |2016-11-09T13:25:43+00:009 November 2016|UK - Non EU|0 Comments

Brexit and the regions: a lighter shade of dark

14 October 2016 L. Alan Winters is Professor of Economics at the University of Sussex, and director of the UK Trade Policy Observatory. Nick Jacob is an associate tutor and research student in economics – also at the University of Sussex. Few doubt that Brexit poses some immense challenges for the British economy. But for a government that professes to want an economy that ‘works for everyone’, there is possibly one encouraging factor: Brexit seems likely to help re-balance the economy. This note asks what Brexit implies for different parts of the UK and suggests two reasons why regions outside London and the South East could be less severely challenged. […]

By |2016-10-14T13:22:44+01:0014 October 2016|UK - Non EU, UK- EU|0 Comments

UK-Australia trade deal useful as a warm-up for tougher negotiations

12 September 2016 Michael Gasiorek is a Senior Lecturer in Economics, in the School of Business, Management and Economics and a member of UKTPO. He is also Managing Director of InterAnalysis, a University spin-out company focusing on trade policy. There has been talk in the past week about a future free trade agreement (FTA) between the UK and Australia – and indeed Australia expressed interest in such an FTA soon after the Brexit referendum. For the UK government this seems to be an affirmation of the future possibilities for the UK, as and when it assumes full responsibility for trade policy post Brexit. In reality, our trade with Australia is relatively small and so the real value may be in the opportunity for the UK’s fledgling trade negotiators to get round the table with friendly faces and hammer out a low-stakes trade deal. […]

By |2016-09-12T13:15:24+01:0012 September 2016|UK - Non EU|0 Comments

What does an inclusive UK trade policy look like?

5 September 2016 In the face of severe and competing pressures, a UK trade policy that ‘works for everyone’ – to use Prime Minister Theresa May’s phrase – is going to be immensely difficult to achieve, writes Steve McGuire. The legal and political obstacles to the UK’s construction of an independent international trade policy have been well documented. The legal complexities are eye-watering; as my UKTPO colleague Emily Lydgate points out, the relationship between Article 50 and UK trade policy is unclear. Nor does the UK government have enough expertise in the negotiation and implementation of trade rules. […]

By |2016-09-05T13:14:33+01:005 September 2016|UK - Non EU, UK- EU|0 Comments

Heaven or hell? Brexit legal issues analysed through ‘Hotel California’ lyrics

11 August 2016 Erika Szyszczak is Professor of Law in the School of Law, Politics and Sociology at the University of Sussex, and a member of  UKTPO. This post sets out some of the legal issues arising after the referendum of 23 June 2016, taking a generous liberty with the interpretation of the lyrics of The Eagles’ song “Hotel California”. […]

By |2016-08-11T11:49:22+01:0011 August 2016|UK - Non EU, UK- EU|0 Comments
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